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Concealed Carry Handgun Course


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I've always said, and people agree, that most Conceal Carry Courses teach you just enough to hurt themselves. Instructors focus mostly on Law (not a bad thing), but put no emphasis on preparing for possible life-threatening scenarios. My Course does that. This CCH Course Outline covers 9 main areas of training: Legal Issues, Handgun Safety, Handguns, Marksmanship Fundamentals, Conceal Carry Safety Issues, Presentation Techniques, Cleaning and Maintenance, Ammunition, and Proficiency Drills.

Cost is $115, includes CCH Book and Range Fees

Group Discounts Available






On July 29,2013 the governor signed into law HB937 which makes many improvements to the firearms laws of North Carolina and to the regulations regarding concealed carry in the state of North Carolina. These changes take effect October 1, 2013. Among these changes are the following:


  1. Allows Concealed Handgun Permit holders to lawfully carry their personal protection firearm into a restaurant that serves alcohol provided that the permit holder does not consume alcohol and the owner of the property has not posted the required sign/notice that firearms are prohibited.

  2. Removes the prohibition on permit holders from carrying into a place where tickets are sold for admission unless posted by the owner.

  3. Allows permit holders to transport their personal protection handguns while on all school property, as well as allow them to store those handguns in their locked vehicles while parked on school property.

  4. Removes the prohibition on permit holders from carrying their personal protection firearm during a parade or funeral.

  5. Ensures the privacy of permit holders personal information by restricting access to those records for law enforcement purposes ONLY.

  6. Removes the limitation of the number of pistol purchase permits an applicant may request from their local sheriff.

  7. Decreases the time a sheriff has to process a pistol purchase permit application from 30 days to 14 days.

  8. Bars the sheriff from charging any additional fees for pistol purchase permits other than the $5.00 per permit authorized by statute.






  1. Required 8 hrs. classroom instruction PLUS range time in order to obtain North Carolina CCH Permit training certificate

  2. Classroom instruction includes at least 2 hours of North Carolina Law

  3. Class covers laws governing the use of deadly force, concealed carry statute,and other relevant issues. Class covers the fundamentals of gun operation, personal protection with the use of a handgun, gun safety, ammunition, and shooting techniques.

  4. Qualification on firing range (50 rounds within 3, 5, and 7 yards)



(*Must be a NC resident for 30 days and 21 yrs old to qualify for North Carolina Concealed Carry permit in NC.)


After receiving your certificate you can apply to the sheriff's office in the county you reside. Be sure to take your original training certificate with you when you go to apply. The Sheriff's office charges $90 for a criminal background check and mental health check. Most Sheriff's offices require you to pay in cash and EXACT change so make sure you find out ahead of time. Fees can vary somewhat so be sure to check with the Sheriff's office in your county. If you are approved, your permit will be issued in less than 90 days. It is valid for 5 years. As of January 1,2010, the Sheriff's office is required to send you a renewal notice. The notice will be mailed to the address listed on your permit, so if you move contact the Sheriff's Office with your new address. You must appear at the county sheriff's office and pay the renewal fee.



Under North Carolina Law, the holder of a valid North Carolina Concealed Carry permit can use this permit to purchase handguns in the state of North Carolina. Obtaining a purchase permit is no longer required.



Range Safety: One of the most important parts of the training is range safety. You will be firing live ammo during qualification and it is of the utmost importance that you follow all instructions and safety procedures as explained to you prior to going to the range and at all times you are on the range. ANY violation of the range policy and safety procedures or a failure to follow instructions given to you on the range will result in an immediate suspension of your firearms qualification and you will be asked to leave the range immediately with No refund of tuition paid for the class. 


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